We welcome you and your child! We want to do whatever we can to help make the Sacrament of Baptism a Graced moment for your family and Saint Mary Parish.
Baptism of infant children is ordinarily scheduled on the first and third Sundays of the month after the 11:30 am Mass, beginning at approximately 12:45 pm.
Please fill out our online form below for more information or to begin the preparation process for your child’s Baptism. We'll be in touch with you by phone! If you do not hear from the office within 3 business days please reach out by calling 219-663-0044.
What is involved with Baptismal preparation?
The Ultimate Guide to Catholic Baptism
So what does a Godparent do exactly? Why does this matter in the Church?
Take a look at this article from Catholic Answers: The What, Why, and How of Godparents
The following 5 criteria are required by Church law. A sponsor (godparent) must be:
1) a practicing Catholic*
2) of at least 16 years of age
3) who has already been confirmed and received the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist, and
4) who leads a mature life of faith.