The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body that advises the Pastor in financial matters related to Saint Mary’s. The relationship between the Pastor and the Council is one of support and collaboration.
The responsibilities of Saint Mary’s Finance Council include:
Approve annual budgets (Church and School)
Review annual diocesan financial reports (Church and School)
Monitor financial trends at Saint Mary’s
Prepare and publish an annual financial report to the Saint Mary’s community
Recommend school tuition schedules
Annual review of compensation for non-contracted staff
Develop solicitation plan for Diocese of Gary’s annual Catholic Services Appeal
Members of the Parish Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor for renewable two-year terms. The Pastor is an ex-officio member and the Business Manager serves as a resource to the Council.
Members of the Parish Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor for renewable two-year terms. The Pastor is an ex-officio member and the Business Manager serves as a resource to the Council.