Prayer Blankets are part of our Martha and Mary Ministries at Saint Mary’s.
Do you have a family member or friend facing surgery, chemotherapy or another significant health concern? A Prayer Blanket is a symbol of Saint Mary’s “covering them” in prayer. Each blanket includes the inscription:
We pray that God’s healing touch will bring relief to you,
and through His special graces your mind and soul will also be comforted.
We are happy to offer Prayer Blankets to anyone in special need of prayer. Simply contact the Parish Office (219-663-0044 or [email protected]) and we will provide you with a Prayer Blanket to deliver to your family member or friend.
Each month, our Weekly Bulletin invites the prayers of the Saint Mary’s community for those who recently received Prayer Blankets. Of course, in order to respect privacy, only first names are published.
We are grateful to volunteers from Saint Mary’s who make Prayer Blankets…including members of our Altar Rosary Society.
Anyone who is interested in learning more about serving as a volunteer to help make Prayer Blankets is invited to contact the Parish Office: 219-663-0044 or [email protected].